How GiftQuest Works

The GiftQuest resource has two basic parts. The first being the GiftQuest Inventory.. Each person taking GiftQuest fills in a GiftQuest Discovering Your Motivating Spiritual Gift Inventory. This Inventory was designed utilizing test and measurement principles. The amount of time it takes for persons responding to these questions varies from person to person. Typically, there are some who can easily complete the questionnaire in less than 10 minutes. Typically, there are some who need several hours to carefully respond to each question. The average time is about 20 minutes to complete the inventory. The 160 questions are divided into groups of four questions and the respondent is asked to select the one of each set of four that is most like them. The respondent then selects the one of the remaining three that is least like them.

Upon completion of the Inventory, the responses are entered into the GiftQuest software for scoring, interpretation and report generation. It typically takes five minutes for the first time one inputs the responses found on the GiftQuest Inventory. After entering several, this can be entered in about three (3) minutes. The software is set up identical to the Inventory form for ease of data entry. Once entered, the responses are saved in the GiftQuest database.

GiftQuest offers four different kinds of individual-personal reports that can be generated and printed. The most common report is the "complete report" which includes:

1. A graphic display of the unique motivating gifts profile

2. An extensive personal description based on gifts and intensities

3. A personalized motivational gift based ranking of the 150 local church ministries

4. A ranking of the 250 secular vocations and printing of the top 15 percent

5. An extensive personalized description of each of the significant motivational gift, for the respondent.

GiftQuest is unique in that it offers nearly 400 different kinds of "congregation" or corporate reports. All of the records (people) in the database may be ranked-sorted for any one or combination of the motivating gifts, any one of the local church ministries or any one of the 250 secular vocations. This congregation ranking can then be printed to the computer screen, a printer or a text file. This is an extremely practical and valuable feature that sets GiftQuest apart from all other known spiritual gift resources. As an example, a church may be looking for mercy motivated persons to staff their Mercy Ministries. The entire church congregation can be ordered-ranked on the basis of the single motivating gift of Mercy. A descending listing of Mercy motivated persons is generated by the program and the listing is available to the screen, printer and/or a word processor.

In our commitment to make GiftQuest affordable for any sized congregation, GiftQuest grants the right to photocopy the inventory to acquire additional copies. In addition, the GiftQuest directory has a pdf of the blank GiftQuest Inventory. Owners of the software may print as many copies of the inventory, using either this document file or photocopies of the Inventory, as desired.

Check the download section of this web site to obtain a free copy of a GiftQuest report as a sample and or a complete copy of the GiftQuest Inventory.

For Your Information: Below is a listing of the first 15 of the Local Church Ministries in the GiftQuest Local Church Ministry database.

Administrative Board Chairman

Adult Teacher

Adult Teacher Substitute

Altar Counselor

Benevolence Minister

Benevolence Ministry Coordinator

Boys Club Director-Elementary

Boys Club Director-Teen

Boys Club Leader-Elementary

Boys Club Leader-Teen

Bulletin Board Coordinator

Bus Ministry Coordinator

Bus Ministry Worker

Camp Assistant Counselor-Junior

Camp Assistant Counselor-Teen

For Your Information: Below is a listing of the first 25 of the secular vocations profiled in GiftQuest


Accounting Services

Accounts Payable Clerk

Administrative Assistant

Administrative Associate



Airline Attendant

Airline Pilot




Animal Grooming



Architectural Engineering

Art Teacher

Artist-Performing Arts


Athletic Instructor


Auto Sales/Dealer

Automobile Mechanic

